Adam Stroud
Associate Director
Before coming to PGAV Planners, Adam spent several years working in municipal government as an economic developer. He has hands on experience at the local government level with economic development incentives, business retention and expansion, and engagement with the public. Adam’s time in municipal economic development involved working with nonprofits, commercial retail developers, industrial developers, railroads, real estate professionals, and elected officials.
In 2020, Adam founded Stroud City Bagels, a small business making bagels out of a shared kitchen space in St. Louis and selling at Tower Grove Farmers’ Market.
Adam is active with several organizations, including serving as Treasurer & Executive Board Member of the Illinois Tax Increment Association.
“If I can’t make a decent sesame bagel, what am I doing with my life?”
Swansea, Illinois Streetscape Master Plan. This plan brought together a team of experts to plan for the area around the Swansea MetroLink Station. This area is poised for growth and I was honored to manage the planning process!
Good bagels. Duh! I might be biased.
Greenville, IL — My hometown! I love going back home to see my parents, check in with long-time friends, and have my favorite pizza and salad dressing from Mario’s Pizza!